Trapped (but there is good news)

Hello everyone, So today is one of the bad days and it’s happening at the worst time as it’s the weekend and even though I’ve still got control over my points I’m trying really hard. The reason behind all this is some bad family news and it’s really hitting home but with the aid of […]

Planning and Prep (Ready for treat day)

Hello everyone, as most of my readers will know Thursday is treat day in the Whitehouse/Whitham household and I’ve made sure to try to plan and prep for the most of it. It was my pick what takeout we got and I opted for a Chinese as it’s more healthy than other places and I […]

The Return From The Brink

Hello everyone, It’s been a while since I posted a blog but I’m delighted to see that you have still been coming and reading my other posts and after a period of wandering around in a daze and not actually trying I re-joined Weight Watchers. I decided to re-join Weight Watchers for a few different […]

My journey and the digital world 

Evening everyone, Tonight I’m going to talk about how the internet and the digital world had impacted my weight loss journey. Some of the pros I’ll be talking about include… The Weight Watchers App Research for eating out Connectivity with others members and my leader Videos for food and drink low in points Moving more […]

It’s Christmas Day on Friday 

I would like to start by saying I’m sorry for being so quite but things have just been so busy I’ve not known where my head was and so my eating has been a poor example to follow. However this is no excuse. It’s come to that time of year again Christmas and all the […]

OMG I’m Famous

Hello Everyone, I made it into the Weight Watchers Meeting Your Week Booklet 😀 Going back to today it’s been a busy day with only a short time to rest, after waking up at 7:30am with Matt I got straight into baking and made some fruity nut oat bites while Matt had breakfast. I saw […]

What AWeekend

I’m really sorry…… This weekend has just been pandemonium, I’ve never been so busy and I’m glad it’s over to be fair as it was all too close to call this weekend as it was straight from one thing to another with little or no time to relax. I can’t remember most of it because […]

(Invisible food day) Weight Watchers Menu and Steps 10th December

Hello everyone, Here is another menu and steps post for all of you which includes invisible food sure as 3 small slices of chocolate yule log, small child size bowl of tomato soup and 2 slices of bread all of which I was unable to point hence why I can them invisible foods. Enjoy.    […]

Time for a sort out.

Hello everyone and welcome to another post, I’ve been thinking over the past two day and like most who are Weight Watcher subscribers and have access to the eSource you make meals, recipes and favourite foods without thinking really and then you get a build-up of ones you don’t track and so they get forgotten […]

(I’ve got a better understanding now) Weight Watchers Smart Points day 2 Menu and Steps

Hello everyone. I now have a better understanding on the Smart Points and I’m looking at ways I can adapt my current plan to fit within in. Yes to fit within as there are parts of my current thinking that can work well with Smart points. Enjoy