Here comes the Smart Points Plan

Hello and welcome to another blog post, I will be starting this one by talking about the new Smart Points Plan and then going into my daily life news.


Well after 50 years of ground breaking work Weight Watchers have done it again and made the plan more personal than ever before, the amount of Daily Smart points (formally Daily pro points) is personal, the Weekly Smart Points (formally Weekly pro points) is personal and if you are a subscriber you are given a set target of FitPoints (formally activity points) to earn in a day and a week and this will change depending on how active you are. They have made it more personal by asking you to fill in a questionnaire based on your lifestyle and your activity, however the down side is the change in the Smart Points you get I was on 26 + added gold member points but now I’m on 30 and my Weekly Smart points I get is now 35 instead on 49.

It’s also different in the fact they have changed the points for certain food items such are protein high food is lower and dairy high food is higher which was a shock to me when my milk portion was 2 Smart points and now 1, therefore it will take some getting used to but I’m sure I’ll get there my back up plan however is to convert to Filling and Healthy which is now the No Count Approach in the new year if they haven’t made major changes to that as well. The good thing is that FitPoints are easy to earn as you don’t have to walk as much just to earn 1 point and I’ve smashed my targets for today and this week as I was set to earn 2 FitPoints in a day and 14 in a week and I’ve 17 so far today and that’s with 20,000+ steps, on the other hand they don’t suggest eating your FitPoints with the Smart Points plan as much as they did with the Pro Points plan but understand that you may need to at times.

I learned the majority of this in my morning meeting and I’m still happy and excited about it and have since ready 2 of the many books we got at the meeting as they are really interesting and educational if you’re a little unsure, it looks a lot more fun based and less like a chore and for someone like me it understands that I may lose my way and talks about the 80/20 approach which is to eat good 80% of the time so I can lose track a little 20% of the time. Due to this I feel a lot calmer about the plan I just need to get use to the Points of food I use to think I could eat because of its low points balance and look at other foods to eat, therefore I guess this change in the plan is helping to explore what else is out there and try new things.

We now move on to my daily life section and I must say it’s just be one of them days where you can’t really say it’s been good or bad as it has been an equal measure of both, I say this as I had a good and interesting morning, a rushed and chaotic afternoon and a rushed/relaxed evening.

It all start with neither me or Matt wanting to get outta bed but in the end it was me up first and I got Matt his breakfast ready and we watched some tv together, however in-between all this I had sliced some lime and lemon ready for some lemon and lime water I was going to have today. Once all this was done we sat soon before getting ready for Matt to go to work and while he was getting ready we got everything sorted for our trip to the bank even though I was meant to wait until he was fully ready ;), soon he was on his way to work and I cleaned up a little before getting ready to try out the new FitPoints by taking the long way to Weight Watchers even though it killed my legs I kept going as it was going to worth it.

I soon made it to my meeting and I showed my old school photo in which you could so see the change in me and got ready to face the scales and I was sure I was going to have gained but in the end I stayed the same which was good even if I still had to pay as I was over goal, I also took the chance to look at the shop and there was some nice new foods which I knew of but could never find in shops and then I set down and talked about the new plan with other members. We were all very interested and excited when our leader started to tell us about the plan and I find some of the things in the books and paper trackers are so cute 😀 (Not everyone shared my feelings) we then got another new pack full of info and books which we looked through before our leader closed the meeting.

Before leaving I took my old Eat Out, Shop guides, Scales and Calculator to the clerks and they swapped them for the new ones free of charge which was great and with that I left to go see my Aunt to pick up my ironing, she was happy to see me and we had a coffee and a chat before I took my bags and went home. I wasn’t home long before I was back out with not only my bag but Matt’s as I was going to pick him up before going to the bank for a meeting which was very confusing but we got our job done and came home, however on the way home I got a call from work as they needed me to do the walking and so once we got back home it was another case of quickly making Matt his lunch, making mine to go and then setting off out again.

Work went well even if it was a little rushed but like always as a team we pulled through the evening and I left happy but tired, I left like normal expecting Matt to be outside waiting and he wasn’t so I went over to Tesco as I knew we were going to buy some more milk and as I approached the shop I saw him at the checkout with his milk in hand and I met him outside. So Matt had his milk but he wasn’t aware I needed milk too and so we stopped at Morrisons on the way home so I could get some milk too and went home from there, however that wasn’t the end to the confusion as dinner was more confusing than normal as I had planned to have a chicken tandoori and Matt was to have a chicken tikka which would have been out of the norm for him as he’s not a fan of Indian food and the long and short of it is I had the chicken tandoori as planned but Matt had Birds Eye chicken with roasts and rice.

All sounds really simple right? Wrong. I cooked the rice and oven food at the same time which was around 25 mins but the roasts took 30 mins so at the end all but of one the components for Matt’s dinner were ready while mine was done, so I put the roasts back in and ate mine while he waited which I felt bad about but by the time I was done eating his was ready and so I had my dessert while he had his dinner. I watched tv for a while and read my Weight Watchers books I had got before Matt went on his PS4 and I came on the pc to tell you about the new plan and my day, I hope you have enjoy reading tonight post and please bear with me as I get to grips with the new plan.

Until tomorrow.


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